FSAE GR23 Battery Segment Design & Manufacturing SOP
Introduction This SOP provides a guide to safely manufacture and assemble battery segments of the GR23 electrical vehicle Overview Safety Considerations Battery Segment Design 26s5p li-ion cells per segment comprised of Enepaq 1x5p Sony VTC6 modules Necessary Materials, Tools, and Equipment Machining of Insulation Panels 2. Set up vacuum attachment and wear masks to minimize…
Silane Vaporization Chamber
Introduction The silane vaporization chamber deposits a gas-phase monolayer of the chemical trimethylchlorosilane (silane) to serve as a counter-adhesion agent for glass or silicon substrates. Purpose To redesign the silane chamber and overcome issues of corrosion and usability. Process In Progress
Solar Powered House Numbers
Introduction I built a battery powered house number sign that lights up at night and is recharged during the day using a solar panel. Process CAD render The numbers were laser cut from 1/8″ acrylic The number cutouts on the back plate of the sign was scribed and milled from an aluminum bar. This is…